29 August 2011

Smart and smarter

Welcome back everyone. As everyone knows, add-drop week can sometimes confront you with some pretty tough choices. The New York Times Magazine recently carried an article offering some precious advice on how to make such decisions so you won’t come to regret them a few days later. The basic idea is that the human brain can easily malfunction when it is overloaded with too many decisions without sufficient rest and nutrition. These decisions include not only important stuff (like choosing between a POS and an ECO course which have an irritating time conflict), but also many trivial choices (“Should I go to that birthday party tonight?”), efforts to resist all sorts of temptations or to filter out trivial information, etc. The bottom line is: important decisions are best taken when your brain is well rested and fed – preferably after a good night’s sleep or a nap, and a healthy snack. IS

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