06 September 2012

Welcome Back and Careers at the United Nations

Hey Folks,

Once again, we will be using this blog to provide announcements and information about various opportunities. Here's one such from the UN. Some of the positions require educational credentials that you do not have; however, read through some of the offerings to get an idea of what kind of jobs arise from time to time and what they are looking for in a future UN civil servant. Think about how you can do things on campus or elsewhere that would build your experiences and skills in these areas. bp

You can read the following information that was sent to the department:

"The United Nations is looking for highly qualified candidates who are ready to launch a professional career as an international civil servant. The young professionals programme (YPP) is a recruitment initiative that brings new talent to the United Nations through an annual entrance examination. For young, high-calibre professionals across the globe, the examination is a platform for launching a career at the United Nations.  The 2012 examination will be offered in the following job families:  Architecture, Economic Affairs, Information System and technology, Political Affairs, Radio Producer and Social Affairs. We kindly request your support in giving this announcement the widest possible circulation and your assistance in identifying potentially suitable candidates. Applications from women are strongly encouraged. "
Further details on the above-mentioned as well as other vacancies can be found on our career portal http://careers.un.org






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