03 November 2011

UN Regional Academy Young Scholars’ Conference

Hello everyone,

An interesting confernce in UN's headquarters in Vienna this January. Deadline for applications is December 1, 2011. I am attaching the full call for papers as there is no separate internet link. EZ

CALL FOR PAPERS: UN Agencies Connecting with Academics and the Civil Society Conference. UN Regional Academy Young Scholars’ Conference (13.01.2012, DL 01.12.)

The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) is a global professional association of educational and research institutions, individual scholars, and practitioners active in conducting research on the United Nations, international organizations, and global governance topics. ACUNS thus aims to provide an interactive platform between academia and the activities of the UN agencies.
In cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Information System (UNIS), the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, the University of Vienna, Webster University, Transparency International, the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (Ă–IIP), the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and the International Peace Institute (IPI), ACUNS is pleased to announce the Conference on “UN Agencies Connecting with Academics and the Civil Society”. The Conference will take place in Vienna, on January 11-13, 2012 at the United Nations Office in Vienna. The conference language is English. The themes, this year, are nuclear security, energy for all, the green economy and development, corruption, and e-learning platforms. For information on the programme, please check www.acuns.org
The third day of the event will be dedicated to a Young Scholars’ Conference. The Young Scholars’ Conference will also mark the inauguration of the UN Regional Academy, a tri-national effort (Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary), aiming at providing graduate and post-graduate students with the opportunity to further their understanding of the UN and its activity.
Proposals are invited for papers focusing on the following themes:
 Energy: access for all
 Nuclear security and global governance
 Global zero(complete nuclear disarmament: fiction or reality
 Green economy and development
 Corruption
 Education and public awareness.
A 300 word abstracts and the affiliation details should be submitted in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats, in the following order: 1) author(s), 2) affiliation, 3) email address, 4) title of abstract, 5) body of abstract 6) theme being addressed (from list above). The abstract and details can be sent to acuns.vienna@gmail.com with the name of the conference specified in the subject line by December 1.
We will acknowledge the receipt of your proposal and respond to all paper proposals submitted. If your paper is accepted a notification of acceptance will be sent to you by December 15. Your confirmation of attendance will be expected by January 1, 2012. By January 6, 2012 the full paper is to be sent according with the style standards provided to the accepted participants by organizers.
The conference will give young scholars and researchers the opportunity to discuss current issues on the agenda of the UN. The papers presented and discussed will also be published on the website and hopefully in a book edited by ACUNS.


There is no registration fee for participating at the conference. However, participants will have to cover their travel and accommodation costs. For those interested, information on affordable accommodation close to the United Nations Office in Vienna (UNOV) will be provided. The conference venue is UNOV and the language of the conference is English.
We are very much looking forward to receiving your papers and to a successful conference. Should you have any further questions, please address them to Maria Idomir (maria.idomir@gmail.com) and Laetitia Sengseis (sela@hansen.at).

Best regards,
Conference Secretariat
ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office

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